Wednesday, August 24, 2005

August 18th Meeting


GUEST: David Chaney

The meeting was called to order at 12:05pm by Debbie, for Sherry in her absence.

Debbie welcomed David Chaney who would like to join Rotary. The members will vote at next week’s meeting, which will be his third.

Debbie said a program was needed for next week.

Treasurer’s report: Balance of $1765.24 to date. Received check for $50, wrote check for Citizen of the Year plaque for $24. Citizen of the Year luncheon, it was agreed the club would pay for visitors and guests, members would pay for own luncheon $8.

Debbie wanted to make sure that everyone knew how well the luncheon went, heard great things throughout town, how well it had been presented. She congratulated the committee in charge of the event.
There are still 9 surveys outstanding that Sherry handed out during her first meeting as President and she would like these returned as soon as possible so that programs and events can be planned.

Debbie said the club needs to be thinking about fund raisers and what do we want to do? Another TV combination, laptop computer, money?. A committee will be set up to work on ideas.

Next Wednesday is the Foundation meeting in Clemmons, Debbie, Sherry and Julie will attend and report back on Thursday.

Exchange student, do we want to participate in the program?

Walnut Cove has a prospective new member, Betty Jo Burroughs’ seventh grand child was born on Monday night to proud parents Bart and Emily Burroughs, weighing 8lbs.

Walnut Festival this Saturday, there will be music, food, arts and grafts, games for children.
Sunday is Community day at First Christian Church, entry fee four cans, to go to Out Reach Ministry. Rides for children and refreshments.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

August 11th Meeting/Citizen of the Year Luncheon


On Thursday, August 11, 2005, Walnut Cove Rotary Club hosted a luncheon at Dukes Restaurant to honor Mrs. Claudia Brame, voted Citizen of the Year 2004/2005 by Walnut Cove residents. It was attended by 54 people, family, friends and Walnut Cove Rotary Club members. Everyone enjoyed the lunch provided by Pete and his staff, and the special Rotary cake made by Rotarian Sallie Brown.

Walnut Cove Rotary Club President Sherry Smith presented Mrs. Brame with a plaque and corsage. She spoke of Mrs. Brame’s career as a teacher and there were several of her former students there to attest to her abilities. Mr. Jack Gentry spoke very highly of Mrs. Brame and recalled several lessons learned from her. Her son, John, also entertained the crowd with stories of Mrs. Brame’s college days.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

August 4th Meeting

Walnut Cove President Sherry Smith
and District Governor Phil Morris


District Governor Phil Morris, Assistant District Governor Chuck Houska, Mason Wilson, David Chaney; Pete Shattuck, Director of King YMCA .

Sherry called meeting to order at 12:05 and introduced Phil Morris, District Governor, she gave a brief overview of his history in Rotary, starting in 1978.

Phil Morris gave an inspiring talk about his experiences in Rotary and how it has enriched his life, he encouraged all members to share his enthusiasm and get involved.
Sherry recognized guests Mason Wilson, student and David Chaney, who has opened a new business in Walnut Cove.

Pete Shattuck read an excerpt from news letter recognizing Walnut Cove Rotary Club for their help in painting the new YMCA program center in Danbury.

Citizen of the Year luncheon, Thursday, August 11, 2005. Friends and family of Ms. Brame have been invited. Menu is grilled chicken, rice, green beans, Sallie will make cake, plaque has been ordered.

Debbie reminded everyone about the Walnut Festival, August 20.

District Governor Phil Morris presented Sherry with a commemorative banner and
Sherry presented him with a book on history of Walnut Cove.