Tuesday, July 26, 2005

July 21st Meeting


TREASURERS REPORT: 7/14 Balance $2791.25 Deposit $246 Balance to date $3037.25

Betty Smith reported on information regarding scholarships. Full time student cost is $600 per semester or $1200 per year. This is tuition only, does not cover cost of books, lab, parking. Discussion followed, the club has $1500 which can be distributed in various ways, consider $300 per semester, which is about half. It was suggested that the Mitchell trust be used for the first year, Rotary the next year, Mitchell trust third year and so on. Sherry said a decision needs to be made. Natalie stated $300 will cover books, suggested whoever gets scholarship should in some way pay back to the community, help with Rotary project.
Betty said we will not be able to award scholarship until fall of 2006. Contact should be made with guidance counselor from South Stokes to work with Rotary. Sherry asked for volunteers to form a scholarship committee. Motion was made by Candace, seconded by Jim and passed unanimously that Betty Smith, Sallie Brown and James Dalton form the scholarship committee.

Sherry spoke of town revitalization. Civic organizations can help do things in town besides clean ups.
Community Bulletin Board. Various prices have been received between $500-600. Sherry stated that one of the town employees, Kevin Webb will make a 4’x3’ shatter and weather proof board for $175. Plaque stating donated by Walnut Cove Rotary Club to be added. Debbie stated Town Hall to keep key, notices to be reviewed prior to posting. Motion to purchase board was made by Betty, seconded by Debbie, passed unanimously.

Candace gave update on web site. Members can go on line to make up meetings missed, simply read an article, answer questions, and bring to secretary.

Citizen of the Year. A motion was made by Debbie, seconded by Sallie and passed unanimously that Claudia Brame was voted Citizen of the Year 2004. A special luncheon will be held in her honor on Thursday, August 11, with invited family and guests and a plaque will be presented. A committee was formed, Sally, Betty Jo and Kathy to take care of details.

Sherry presented plaques to Candace and Nelson for their hard work on golf tournament.

Sherry said we need to schedule dates for projects. Food drive October 15, outside Ingles and Food Lion between 8 am and 2pm and again April 8, 2006.

Book Drive. After much discussion, it was suggested that instead of book drive, to have a luncheon, charge $7., $5 of which would go to expenses, $2 to schools for supplies. It was tabled until we find out more details from principles, do they want books or supplies?

Monday, July 18, 2005

July 14th Meeting


VISITORS: Chuck Houska, Clemmons Rotary Club, Assistant District Governor and Lindsey Anderson, upcoming student to Salem Academy.

MEMBER NEWS: Anita Mabe on extended medical leave and Jerri Fulton on personal leave, Jerrod Covington on leave of absence until August.

Sherry read “thank you “ letter from Red Cross for hosting blood drive, 33 units were collected.

Sherry stated she has received information that Rebecca Mitchell left Walnut Cove Rotary club money in the form of $10,000 CD. The club gets to use the interest accrued to date which is $1507.00. The money can only be used to provide for student going to a technical college. The club needs to decide what we want to do with it, can be broken up into any amount. Following discussion, a motion was made by Bonnie that Betty and Natalie do research to find out the cost for a full time student , seconded by Marian, carried unanimously.

Sherry stated Candace had worked hard to get a free web site set up through blogspot. Minutes from meetings will be posted each week and any other information available.

Sherry commented on attendance and how we can keep in touch with everybody. Suggested buddy system, each member responsible for keeping in touch with their buddy. Try it for a month to see how it works. Lindsey Anderson drew out the names as follows: Debbie/Candace, Robert/Bonnie Parks, Natalie/Marianne, Sallie/Jerry, Robin/Wendel, Francis/Bonnie Snyder, Cathy /Marian, Nelson/Julie, Kathy/Jerri, Betty Jo/Betty, JD/Martha, Richard/Jerrod, Wayne/Anita, Jim/Sherry?

Chuck Houska spoke about his experiences with Rotary, joined Clemmons Club in 1996. They have 130 members, meet Wednesday mornings at Village Inn. Said it is all about food, fun and fellowship, provides friendships that last forever. Spoke about their various fund raisers, the house that they built, using resources of club members , making $40,000 profit. They have two cash raffles a year, golf tournament. They give away a car every year, Don Flow is a Rotarian so they get car at cost. They have the advantage of being the only club in the area, no Lions, JC’s so they get a lot of support from the public.

Sherry said the club is looking for new ideas for fund raisers, something that works well for the community.

Nelson reminded everyone he is still looking for contributions to Boy Scouts Appeal.

Debbie reminded everyone about the movie Shrek 11 in Fowler Park on Friday night at 8pm, in case of inclement weather it will be at S.E. Middle School.

Debbie encouraged members to attend Board of Health meetings, open to the public. Meetings are held every quarter.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Hemlock Amateur Annual Golf Tournament 6/18- 6/19

Championship Flight Winner Kyle Spahr being presented the winning trophy
by Derek Brown and Walnut Cove Rotary Club President Sherry Smith

Sponsored by TheWalnut Cove Rotary Club
and Southern Community Bank & Trust

1st Place- Set of Ping Golf Clubs
2nd Place- Ping Driver
3rd Place- Ping Retro Golf Bag
4th Place- Ping Putter
5th Place- Ping Mini Golf Bag
6th Place- Ping Golf Umbrella
Championship Flight/ 2 day Total
Kyle Spahr 134
Terry Mills 135
Scotty Mounce 138
James Goin 139
Derek Ward 141
Lee Kiser 142

Flight A
Brad James 69
Gray Logan 70
Chris Logan 70
Sean Brown 70
Randy Jones 71
Zach Johnson 72

Flight B
Roger Joyce 73
Jim Wilkes 74
John Hopkins 74
RJ Goolsby 74
Melvin Dodson 75
Randy Ward 75

Flight C
Rodney Tuttle 76
Curt Gibson 79
B.A. Carter 81
Chris Tuttle 84
Teddy Webster 84
Buddy Tolbert 86

Womens Tournament
1st Place- $250.00 Linda Hill
84/ with 20 handicap for net of 60

2nd Place- $100 Linda Canup
86/ with 15 handicap for net of 71

3rd Place- $50.00 Marcia Burge
79/ with 4 handicapp for net of 75

Wednesday, July 13, 2005