Members present: 14
Guests: John Hodgkins, Danny Pipes
Debbie called meeting to order at 12:10pm.
Debbie reported she had spoken with Barry about using the Fire Department about using their facility for pancake suppers. He said the Fire Department would love to work with a non profit group.
Robin has been unable to make contact with school by phone. She will deliver packet of information by hand. Debbie said Linda Hicks, a substitute teacher will contact someone at the school.
Menu for dinner theatre March 25. Robin reported almost everything will be donated.
Debbie distributed a calendar for the month of March.
Golf tournament, Hemlock Golf course charge $24 for carts, if we have 100 entries they would charge us $20. Tim Snyder will check with Stonewall to compare prices and report next week.
Debbie read letter from King club asking if we would be interested in partnering with them in the Rotary Youth Leadership program.
Charter member Richard Vernon passed away on Wednesday. Marion made motion that club donate $200 to whatever was requested by family, seconded by Wayne, passed unanimously.
There was discussion about how often and when members wanted a program. It was decided that the club have program once a month on the third Thursday of the month. Jim will go ahead and make up schedule.
Debbie mentioned Walnut Cove has nowhere for children to play. It had been suggested at Town meeting that London Elementary tennis courts could be used a skate park or other recreation and would Rotary be interested in helping to fix it up. Jim said we need more details before we can make a decision as an organization.
Debbie said the sign on 311 needs to be cleaned up again.
Richard Pipes was installed as member of Walnut Cove Rotary Club.