Thursday, February 16, 2006

February 2nd Meeting

Members present: 12

Debbie called meeting to order at 12:05pm

Richard Pipes has attended three consecutive meetings. Nelson made a motion that he be accepted as member of Walnut Cove Rotary Club, seconded by David, passed unanimously. He will receive his pin at the next meeting.

Rotaract - Robin reported that Ms. Whitaker is no longer in charge of the BETA club, the new person is Katie Burford. Robin has tried to contact her and will continue to do so.
Debbie reported there are still tickets left for the Dinner Theatre plays March 24 and 25 , club needs to try and sell them.

Chuck Houska will attend the meeting February 16 to do orientation for new members.
April 15 is Easter egg hunt, we will be working with the Town to hide eggs at 11 am and more eggs will be needed this year.

District Conference is April 20-23 at Myrtle Beach Marriott. Debbie suggested that club pay for registration for President and President-Elect since it is expected that they attend. Nelson made motion to pay registration, seconded by David, passed unanimously. In future we will have pancake supper specifically to raise money for registration fees for officers who are expected to attend various conferences.

Surry County update, Debbie will report next week. Sunday luncheon May 7- Nelson received call from Martha at South Eastern, the charge for her services is $12 an hour. Jim said we pay for the use of the building and person to be there. We buy food which is cooked at school, we can either do deserts or she will make sheet cakes. Martha will need to know how many meats we plan on serving. Fellowship committee will decide what we are having. Robin will call committee to decide and report back with ideas next week.

Nelson is still trying to get together with Hemlock Golf Club to get dates for golf tournament. Bonnie mentioned Stonewall Golf course where Food Lion had a very successful fund raiser as an alternative if Hemlock doesn’t work out.

Debbie showed members the plaque made for Sherry in appreciation for her work as President. Also a plate to go on bulletin board club presented to Town.

Promotional Committee: Richard Pipes, Karen Hicks
Membership Committee: Karen Hicks, Nelson Smith, Bonnie Snyder
Fellowship Committee: Sallie Brown, Betty Jo Burroughs, Robin Heder, Julie Ettenborough.
Fund Raising Committee: Marion Tilley, Candace Harden, Wendell Dodson, Wayne Smart.
Foundation Committee: Debbie Cowan
Program Committee: Jim Harris
Scholarship Committee: Betty Smith, Sallie Brown, James Dalton

Debbie will have answer next meeting re using Fire Department for pancake suppers.

Grill for Rotary picnics to be stored at Mesco Forming.

Marion made special mention of the excellent food provided by Sweetie Pies for Frances DeHart funeral.