Members Present: 17
Guest: Richard Pipes, Jack Gardin, Town Manager
Sherry called meeting to order at 12.10pm and read letter of resignation from Rotary.
Debbie, who is President Elect, assumed the role of President for the remainder of the year.
Richard Pipes was welcomed back for the second time. He expressed the wish to join Rotary, and will be voted in after his third consecutive meeting.
There was discussion about not getting things done, our goal was to become a gold club member this year. We need to work on finding an international project. A committee of 3 people is planned to work on this, also contact with schools has not been successful, there is funding available for Rotaract. Betty Smith will download information.
Fellowship committee to work on menu for dinner theatre.
Jim mentioned the Sunday buffet lunch, tentative date May 7. Nelson has not received call back from school yet.
Program next Thursday on identity theft and fraud. Encourage everyone to attend.
Jack Gardin, Walnut Cove Town Manager read information on the Revitalization Small Town project and the North Carolina Small Town Economic Prosperity program which is an extension of the Small Town program. The Town needs letters from organizations showing support for these programs. There are training scholarships for leaders. He encouraged members to attend meeting this evening. Debbie made a motion we prepare a letter of recommendation to the Town of Walnut Cove to be sent tothe State of North Carolina, seconded by Betty, passed unanimously.
There being no further business, Sally made motion to adjourn, seconded by Karen. Meeting adjourned 12.40pm.