Members present:
Guests: Chuck Houska, Assistant District Governor; Richard Pipes, Danny Pipes, and Bryan Smith, Josh Leonard, John Schultheiss, from ACE Home.
Debbie called meeting to order at 12 Noon. She distributed a copy of a letter she had written to Phil Morris, District Governor.
Nelson confirmed the date of Sunday, May 7 for Sunday luncheon at South Eastern. Golf tournament at Hemlock Golf Course, June 10 and 11, 2006.
Sally reported on menu for Dinner Theatre, March 25, we will not be doing spaghetti. Donations have been promised by Wal-Mart, Food Lion, Fresh Market, have not heard back from Ingles or Bonnie Snyder.
Robin has not received call back from Mrs. Richardson at South Eastern regarding school getting involved in Rotaract, will try again. Betty down loaded information to copy.
Sandy Jarvis from Surrey County is interested in doing project with Walnut Cove Rotary.
On a sad note, Frances DeHart passed away Wednesday morning, she was a long time member and a Paul Harris Fellow. Her husband was a charter member of the Walnut Cove Rotary club. Memorial service to be held Saturday at 11 am. A motion was made by Marion to provide $100 food and $100 donation to First Baptist Building Fund, seconded by Jim, passed unanimously. Sallie will provide food from Sweetie Pies Catering Service.
This is third visit for Richard Pipes, he will be installed as member when he returns from cruise, Thursday, February 9, 2006.
Debbie read Thank You note from Betty Smith for donation given to library fund in memory of her mother.
A very informative program given by John Schultheiss, ACE Home followed on the subject of identity theft. Robin was the winner of the home paper shredder.
There being no further business Betty Jo made motion to adjourn, seconded by David, meeting adjourned at 12:55pm