Members present: 14
Guests: John Hodgkins, Danny Pipes
Debbie called meeting to order at 12:10pm.
Debbie reported she had spoken with Barry about using the Fire Department about using their facility for pancake suppers. He said the Fire Department would love to work with a non profit group.
Robin has been unable to make contact with school by phone. She will deliver packet of information by hand. Debbie said Linda Hicks, a substitute teacher will contact someone at the school.
Menu for dinner theatre March 25. Robin reported almost everything will be donated.
Debbie distributed a calendar for the month of March.
Golf tournament, Hemlock Golf course charge $24 for carts, if we have 100 entries they would charge us $20. Tim Snyder will check with Stonewall to compare prices and report next week.
Debbie read letter from King club asking if we would be interested in partnering with them in the Rotary Youth Leadership program.
Charter member Richard Vernon passed away on Wednesday. Marion made motion that club donate $200 to whatever was requested by family, seconded by Wayne, passed unanimously.
There was discussion about how often and when members wanted a program. It was decided that the club have program once a month on the third Thursday of the month. Jim will go ahead and make up schedule.
Debbie mentioned Walnut Cove has nowhere for children to play. It had been suggested at Town meeting that London Elementary tennis courts could be used a skate park or other recreation and would Rotary be interested in helping to fix it up. Jim said we need more details before we can make a decision as an organization.
Debbie said the sign on 311 needs to be cleaned up again.
Richard Pipes was installed as member of Walnut Cove Rotary Club.
Members present: 12
Debbie called meeting to order at 12:05pmRichard Pipes has attended three consecutive meetings. Nelson made a motion that he be accepted as member of Walnut Cove Rotary Club, seconded by David, passed unanimously. He will receive his pin at the next meeting.Rotaract - Robin reported that Ms. Whitaker is no longer in charge of the BETA club, the new person is Katie Burford. Robin has tried to contact her and will continue to do so.
Debbie reported there are still tickets left for the Dinner Theatre plays March 24 and 25 , club needs to try and sell them.Chuck Houska will attend the meeting February 16 to do orientation for new members.
April 15 is Easter egg hunt, we will be working with the Town to hide eggs at 11 am and more eggs will be needed this year.District Conference is April 20-23 at Myrtle Beach Marriott. Debbie suggested that club pay for registration for President and President-Elect since it is expected that they attend. Nelson made motion to pay registration, seconded by David, passed unanimously. In future we will have pancake supper specifically to raise money for registration fees for officers who are expected to attend various conferences.Surry County update, Debbie will report next week. Sunday luncheon May 7- Nelson received call from Martha at South Eastern, the charge for her services is $12 an hour. Jim said we pay for the use of the building and person to be there. We buy food which is cooked at school, we can either do deserts or she will make sheet cakes. Martha will need to know how many meats we plan on serving. Fellowship committee will decide what we are having. Robin will call committee to decide and report back with ideas next week.Nelson is still trying to get together with Hemlock Golf Club to get dates for golf tournament. Bonnie mentioned Stonewall Golf course where Food Lion had a very successful fund raiser as an alternative if Hemlock doesn’t work out.Debbie showed members the plaque made for Sherry in appreciation for her work as President. Also a plate to go on bulletin board club presented to Town.
Promotional Committee: Richard Pipes, Karen Hicks
Membership Committee: Karen Hicks, Nelson Smith, Bonnie Snyder
Fellowship Committee: Sallie Brown, Betty Jo Burroughs, Robin Heder, Julie Ettenborough.
Fund Raising Committee: Marion Tilley, Candace Harden, Wendell Dodson, Wayne Smart.
Foundation Committee: Debbie Cowan
Program Committee: Jim Harris
Scholarship Committee: Betty Smith, Sallie Brown, James DaltonDebbie will have answer next meeting re using Fire Department for pancake suppers.Grill for Rotary picnics to be stored at Mesco Forming.Marion made special mention of the excellent food provided by Sweetie Pies for Frances DeHart funeral.
Members present:Guests: Chuck Houska, Assistant District Governor; Richard Pipes, Danny Pipes, and Bryan Smith, Josh Leonard, John Schultheiss, from ACE Home.Debbie called meeting to order at 12 Noon. She distributed a copy of a letter she had written to Phil Morris, District Governor.Nelson confirmed the date of Sunday, May 7 for Sunday luncheon at South Eastern. Golf tournament at Hemlock Golf Course, June 10 and 11, 2006.Sally reported on menu for Dinner Theatre, March 25, we will not be doing spaghetti. Donations have been promised by Wal-Mart, Food Lion, Fresh Market, have not heard back from Ingles or Bonnie Snyder.Robin has not received call back from Mrs. Richardson at South Eastern regarding school getting involved in Rotaract, will try again. Betty down loaded information to copy.Sandy Jarvis from Surrey County is interested in doing project with Walnut Cove Rotary.On a sad note, Frances DeHart passed away Wednesday morning, she was a long time member and a Paul Harris Fellow. Her husband was a charter member of the Walnut Cove Rotary club. Memorial service to be held Saturday at 11 am. A motion was made by Marion to provide $100 food and $100 donation to First Baptist Building Fund, seconded by Jim, passed unanimously. Sallie will provide food from Sweetie Pies Catering Service.This is third visit for Richard Pipes, he will be installed as member when he returns from cruise, Thursday, February 9, 2006.Debbie read Thank You note from Betty Smith for donation given to library fund in memory of her mother.A very informative program given by John Schultheiss, ACE Home followed on the subject of identity theft. Robin was the winner of the home paper shredder.There being no further business Betty Jo made motion to adjourn, seconded by David, meeting adjourned at 12:55pm
Members Present: 17
Guest: Richard Pipes, Jack Gardin, Town Manager
Sherry called meeting to order at 12.10pm and read letter of resignation from Rotary.
Debbie, who is President Elect, assumed the role of President for the remainder of the year.
Richard Pipes was welcomed back for the second time. He expressed the wish to join Rotary, and will be voted in after his third consecutive meeting.
There was discussion about not getting things done, our goal was to become a gold club member this year. We need to work on finding an international project. A committee of 3 people is planned to work on this, also contact with schools has not been successful, there is funding available for Rotaract. Betty Smith will download information.
Fellowship committee to work on menu for dinner theatre.
Jim mentioned the Sunday buffet lunch, tentative date May 7. Nelson has not received call back from school yet.
Program next Thursday on identity theft and fraud. Encourage everyone to attend.
Jack Gardin, Walnut Cove Town Manager read information on the Revitalization Small Town project and the North Carolina Small Town Economic Prosperity program which is an extension of the Small Town program. The Town needs letters from organizations showing support for these programs. There are training scholarships for leaders. He encouraged members to attend meeting this evening. Debbie made a motion we prepare a letter of recommendation to the Town of Walnut Cove to be sent tothe State of North Carolina, seconded by Betty, passed unanimously.
There being no further business, Sally made motion to adjourn, seconded by Karen. Meeting adjourned 12.40pm.
Members present: 13
Guest: Richard PipesSherry called meeting to order at 12:10pmSherry reported that the pancake supper just covered expenses. David Chaney provided the entertainment which was enjoyed by all. Debbie will contact fire department to see if we can use their facility for the next one.A reminder about Dinner Theatre, Saturday, March 25.Members were reminded that semi-annual dues are now due. We need to come up with some fund raisers. A Sunday buffet lunch was suggested, possibly at South Eastern. Would need to pre-sell tickets. Tentative date May 7. A motion was made by Debbie to do buffet lunch, seconded by David, passed unanimously. Nelson will contact school to see if we can hold it there. He felt that we did not advertise enough or early enough for the pancake supper.Attendance at meetings has dropped. Nelson made a motion if members miss three meetings in a row without reason or contact, a letter should be sent. If the fourth meeting is missed after getting letter, Board accepts resignation, seconded by Debbie, passed unanimously. Members need to use buddy system to contact members prior to meetings. Jim said we should be looking at quality, not quantity as we did two years ago.Julie introduced guest Richard Pipes who has just moved to Walnut Cove from Pisgah National Forest, he has family in the area. It is hoped that Richard will visit us again with a view to membership.There being no further business, Debbie made a motion to adjourn, seconded by David. Meeting adjourned 12:45pm.
Members present: 13
Guest: Richard PipesSherry called meeting to order at 12:10pmSherry reported that the pancake supper just covered expenses. David Chaney provided the entertainment which was enjoyed by all. Debbie will contact fire department to see if we can use their facility for the next one.A reminder about Dinner Theatre, Saturday, March 25.Members were reminded that semi-annual dues are now due. We need to come up with some fund raisers. A Sunday buffet lunch was suggested, possibly at South Eastern. Would need to pre-sell tickets. Tentative date May 7. A motion was made by Debbie to do buffet lunch, seconded by David, passed unanimously. Nelson will contact school to see if we can hold it there. He felt that we did not advertise enough or early enough for the pancake supper.Attendance at meetings has dropped. Nelson made a motion if members miss three meetings in a row without reason or contact, a letter should be sent. If the fourth meeting is missed after getting letter, Board accepts resignation, seconded by Debbie, passed unanimously. Members need to use buddy system to contact members prior to meetings. Jim said we should be looking at quality, not quantity as we did two years ago.Julie introduced guest Richard Pipes who has just moved to Walnut Cove from Pisgah National Forest, he has family in the area. It is hoped that Richard will visit us again with a view to membership.There being no further business, Debbie made a motion to adjourn, seconded by David. Meeting adjourned 12:45pm.