Wednesday, December 28, 2005
December 8th Meeting
The program scheduled, Jeff Hixon, Mountain Rescue was postponed.
Ticket sales for the 50-50 raffle to date - $1135. Tickets will be sold
right up to drawing on December 10.
Christmas dinner December 13, 7pm at Betty Jo’s. Covered dish. This will be instead of regular meeting.
Next meeting will be Thursday, December 29, 2005.
There being no further business, motion was made by Debbie to adjourn, seconded by Karen.
November 10th Meeting
Guest: Eddie McGee, Director, Stokes County Arts Council
Sherry called meeting to order m and congratulated Debbie Cowan on being elected Walnut Cove Town Commissioner and new member Karen Hicks on her marriage.
Robin has contacted teacher at South Eastern school who is interested in Interact. Debbie to down load information.
Members are to look for prospective new Rotary members.
New member Karen will buddy with Kathy and Jim will buddy with David.
Sherry introduced Eddie McGee who spoke about Visual and Performing Arts in Stokes County. They have contributed $8,000 to schools, libraries, Assisted Living, Senior Center, three middle schools. They provide summer reading programs at libraries, puppet shows, African/American dance, scholarships to students interested in Arts.
Eddie spoke of plans for dinner theatres scheduled January through April, with professional actors. Two have been scheduled in Walnut Cove at the Senior Center, Jackie Robinson “A Game Apart” with Mike Wiley on Friday, March 24 and “A Noble Journey” Saturday, March 25. He asked if Rotary would be interested in getting involved with catering the event. Tickets are $20, the proceeds will go to Arts Council and Senior Center. Sherry said it would be discussed at next meeting and he would be advised of outcome.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned
November 3rd Meeting
Sherry has delivered check for $500 to Outreach Ministries. Someone from the Ministry will come talk to club at a later date.
Debbie thanked everyone for helping on Monday. The event went extremely well, over 1,000 children attended.
Eddie McGee, Director of Stokes County Arts council will give a program next week on the upcoming dinner theatre.
Members should try to get some teachers interested in Interact. It is something we need to get involved in.
Club needs to raise funds. Jeff Martin, Past President of Madison/Mayodan Rotary club just finished with golf tournament, they made $6,000. He will come to talk to the club about it and shot gun raffle, they made $2500.
Pancake breakfast will be changed to a Saturday. Will wait until January when we can use Fire Department. Marianne suggested doing Sunday night suppers.
Debbie noted we are missing some members, need to be contacted.
Next Thursday, Fund Raiser, Membership Committee and Board meeting will take place.
Treasurer’s report : $1,416.00.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
October 27th Meeting
GUESTS: Brenda Hall, Karen Mabe
Debbie reminded members that help was needed to decorate Fowler Park at Noon on Monday, October 31. The Halloween party for children will be from 5pm to 8pm. The library will be running bingo and there will be a storyteller at 6pm.
Sherry reminded everyone of the Foundation Banquet on Thursday, November 3rd at High Point Country Club. Tickets are $30 each.
The pancake dinner has been postponed until a place can be found to hold it.
Raffle tickets are now available for split the pot.
Candace said the Salvation Army check for $1,000 has not been picked up. The Outreach Mission is very short of food, could we table it and give to Mission. It was the consensus that the Salvation Army is much richer that the East Stokes Ministries. Debbie made a motion that we give $500 to Outreach Ministries now and then give $100 per month until we get some more funds. Seconded by Betty, carried unanimously.
A member of the Lexington Rotary Club who has experience with international projects will be invited to come and talk to club.
Betty gave update on library extension project. Bids were higher than budgeted, the low bidder Whishon Carter at $628,000 has been given permission to go ahead. $200,000 more will be needed. We will do a fund raiser in the spring.
Karen Mabe, sponsored by Nelson Smith has attended four meetings, a motion was made by Jim, seconded by Debbie to install Karen as a new member. Sherry officially installed her and welcomed her to Walnut Cove Rotary Club.
Treasurer’s Report. Balance $1,988.00, $1,000 check held for Salvation Army.%
Monday, October 24, 2005
October 20th Meeting
Pancake Dinner was postponed to a later date to be determined at next weeks meeting. Talked about moving it to a Saturday evening instead of a Sunday so we canuse one of the churches.
Raffle Tickets for 50/50 Raflle will be ready to give out at next week's meeting.
Discussed doing a project in the Spring to help raise money for the Walnut Cove Library.
Discussed the dire need for food and money at the Missionin Walnut Cove. Motion was made to see if we can delay or recind previous motion to donate $1,000 to Salvation Army due to the desperate need for food and money here in our own backyard. We need to find out more information on doing this and will discuss at next meeting.
Monday, October 17, 2005
October 13th Meeting
Karen Mabe, Walnut Cove Assisted Living, Jack Gardin, Walnut Cove Town Manager.
Candace called meeting to order at 12:10pm.
Candace welcomed Karen back.
There will not be a food drive on Saturday, it was agreed to donate $25 a month to the Outreach Ministry starting in November.
Jack Gardin said Walnut Cove and Mocksville have been selected by Rural Planning to participate in a walkability study to take a look at how user friendly our community is. The Senior Center is heading the activity. Volunteers are needed to walk streets and note any problems. First planning meeting 1pm Thursday, October 27 at Senior Center. 35-40 people are needed.
The second meeting of the Small Town Main Street program is scheduled for Thursday, October 20 at 7pm at the Senior Center. This meeting will be dividing people into committees.
Events Committee - Halloween. The Fire Department is working with the Events Committee for events in Fowler Park. Candy will be given out, pumpkin carving and various other activities. Volunteers are needed from 5.30pm to 8pm.
October 6th Meeting
Chuck Houska, Assistant District Governor, Karen Mabe, Walnut Cove Assisted Living, Lee Morrison, Sports Instructor, YMCA.
October 30 is date for pancake supper, it will be from 5-7pm at Fire Department. David Chaney will be singing.
Fund raising. Candace said we will be doing a 50-50 raffle instead of TV. Raffle will be drawn after the Christmas parade on December 10.
Salvation Army have not picked up check for $1,000. Nelson mentioned folks on Summit Street that lost home because of fire. We will find out what they need in way of clothes, etc.
Chuck spoke about GSE team from Taiwan visiting next year. Our district will entertain them at the District Conference, no-one in the district will be hosting any of them.
Nelson distributed cards to be given out to potential new Rotary members.
Debbie said someone is needed to find a teacher who would be willing to help with Rotoract, explain what Rotary is, doing things in the community. They choose a project they would like to do and we help them with the program. Jim said we needed full support of Administration. Jerrod asked if they would allow someone to go and talk to the faculty about program. Chuck said if teachers get involved in Rotary, there is an opportunity for an exchange group with other countries.
Walnut Cove has asked Events Committee to do Halloween for children at Fowler Park from 5.30 to 8pm. Debbie is organizing various activities. Volunteers are needed for Monday, October 31 to meet at park at 12.30pm to put up lights etc. and for the evening to help with the activities. Wendell and Marian will help at lunch time and Jerrod will have three volunteers for the evening.
September 29th Meeting
Julie gave a brief talk on her visit to Chichester Rotary Club, she attended two meetings. Group exchange members from India were visiting . Met with them for lunch on the day they transferred to Chichester club, it was very interesting and a lot of fun. They attended the regular breakfast meeting on the Wednesday morning. There were five of them, each stood up and gave a brief talk about themselves and where they lived in India. There were three school teachers, a banker and a journalist. The group leader presented her with beautiful Rotary Club of India pin and said he would be happy to arrange a visit to North Carolina. There was also a visitor from a Canadian Rotary Club. In all in it was a great experience.
Nelson asked if the check for $1,000 had been given to Salvation Army for Katrina. Sherry stated no-one from the Salvation Army has been available to attend meeting.
Nelson also brought up the subject of new membership drive. Members to bring names to next meeting.
Treasurer’s Report. Balance of $1010.00
Thursday, September 15, 2005
September 8th Meeting
Sherry reported on update from the District regarding disaster assistance. We can contribute to Shelter Box, Salvation Army or Red Cross. We need to determine today what we want to do. Marian suggested street collecting at the stop light on Main Street. The Lions Club does this as an annual white cane fund raiser and is scheduled for September 16 and 17. It would take time to get together a dinner. Lowe’s Grocery stores are matching foods up to 1,000lbs. Julie suggested sending a check now from Rotary and then take time to decide how we want to raise the money. A motion was made by Bonnie, seconded by David to send check for $1,000. Passed unanimously. There was discussion about who the check should go to. Suggestion sending half to Red Cross and half to Salvation Army. Jim made a motion to send $1,000 to Salvation Army, Kathy seconded and it was passed unanimously.
Candace suggested the 16 cases of bottled water left over from the golf tournament be donated to disaster relief, everyone agreed.
The Fund Raising Committee will meet and report back next Thursday.
Sherry introduced David Chaney, the newest member.
Debbie stated the Stokes Art Council are looking for volunteers to assist at the Stokes Stomp on September 17 and 18 from 10:30am to 12:30pm and from 12:30pm to 4:30pm to hand out leaflets and give information. Anyone who would like to help please call the Arts Council at 593-5819.
Sherry reported attendance was down in July, typically this is vacation month but we need to work on attendance.
Sherry read a news release from the North Carolina Department of Commerce. Walnut Cove has been chosen out of 50 applicants as the newest participant in the Small Town Main Street Program. Copy of press release attached to minutes. Sherry urged members of Walnut Cove Rotary club to attend the meeting with Robert Murphrey, the coordinator of North Carolina Small Town Main Street Program scheduled for 7 pm Thursday, September 15th, 2005 at the Walnut Cove Senior Center, we have to have a good turn out to show Walnut Cove is interested and excited about this achievement. Candace said a press release has been sent to all newspapers in the area. Jim stated the Walnut Cove Revitalization Committee deserve congratulations for the work done to this point.
New Business
A program is needed for next week. Natalie will contact someone from the Salvation Army to come and talk to the club about what they are doing, and the check for $1,000 will be presented at that time.
Nelson mentioned staff members of the Southern Community Bank are giving seminars to children on money management. This could be a possible future program for the club.
Debbie mentioned she had visited Bill Cobb and received a lot of help from him and recommended anyone with small business get together with him.
Stokes County Resource Center
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
September 1st Meeting

GUESTS: Jack Gardin, Walnut Cove Town Manager and Bill Cobb, Forsyth Tech.
Sherry called meeting to order at 12.10. She spoke of e-mail from Ken Morgan who is looking for suggestions to assist in the relief operations from Hurricane Katrina. She asked members to come up with ideas. The District will tell us what to do.
Sherry introduced Bill Cobb who has opened an office at 904 N. Main Street in Walnut Cove. It will be the Stokes County Resource Center for small businesses and it’s purpose is to assist people like tobacco farmers to make the transition into other businesses, he mentioned some people in Stokes County make large revenue out of small acreage growing high yield products, organic farming. There are small business grants available for tobacco farmers, start up loans range from $1500 to $5,000. He will provide various courses to improve skills in the work place. Mr. Cobb would like to return to Walnut Cove Rotary in four to six months to give update.
David Chaney was installed by Sherry as a new member of Walnut Cove Rotary Club, he was sponsored by Nelson Smith. Sherry welcomed him to Rotary.
August 25th Meeting
GUEST: David Chaney
TREASURERS REPORT: Balance as of August 18, 2005 $1838.73, check issued for $36.00,
Balance $1802.73.
NEW BUSINESS: Sherry read letter from John Brame, son of Claudia Brame, thanking Walnut Cove Rotary Club for the luncheon in honor of her being voted Citizen of the Year.
Sherry asked for volunteers to serve on fund raising committee, Marian Tilley and Wayne Smart, co-chairs, other members, Bonnie Snyder, Candace Harden and Wendell Dodson. A motion was made by Jim Harris and seconded by Debbie Cowan and carried unanimously. Committee to get together to get started on ideas to be presented to the club. Jim Harris checked on prices from Sam’s for TV’s. Phillips 32” flat screen TV $650, 32” JVC flat screen $400, Sylvania 32” concave $250. If the club sends letter to Sam’s stating what it is for, Sam’s will send check for $50.
Debbie gave a brief report on Foundation seminar attended by herself, Sherry and Julie. Chuck Houska, Assistant Governor for our area said Clemmons would like to help Walnut Cove, especially with fund raising. Clemmons is100% Paul Harris Fellow club which means each member has contributed $1,000. Any points accumulated over that, they can donate to other clubs. Debbie stated some clubs incorporate money in dues to go towards Paul Harris Fellow.
David Chaney has attended four meetings but club unable to vote due to quorum not being present. It is anticipated that he will be voted in at next meeting.
Debbie thanked everyone for showing up at the Walnut Festival.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
August 18th Meeting
GUEST: David Chaney
The meeting was called to order at 12:05pm by Debbie, for Sherry in her absence.
Debbie welcomed David Chaney who would like to join Rotary. The members will vote at next week’s meeting, which will be his third.
Debbie said a program was needed for next week.
Treasurer’s report: Balance of $1765.24 to date. Received check for $50, wrote check for Citizen of the Year plaque for $24. Citizen of the Year luncheon, it was agreed the club would pay for visitors and guests, members would pay for own luncheon $8.
Debbie wanted to make sure that everyone knew how well the luncheon went, heard great things throughout town, how well it had been presented. She congratulated the committee in charge of the event.
There are still 9 surveys outstanding that Sherry handed out during her first meeting as President and she would like these returned as soon as possible so that programs and events can be planned.
Debbie said the club needs to be thinking about fund raisers and what do we want to do? Another TV combination, laptop computer, money?. A committee will be set up to work on ideas.
Next Wednesday is the Foundation meeting in Clemmons, Debbie, Sherry and Julie will attend and report back on Thursday.
Exchange student, do we want to participate in the program?
Walnut Cove has a prospective new member, Betty Jo Burroughs’ seventh grand child was born on Monday night to proud parents Bart and Emily Burroughs, weighing 8lbs.
Walnut Festival this Saturday, there will be music, food, arts and grafts, games for children.
Sunday is Community day at First Christian Church, entry fee four cans, to go to Out Reach Ministry. Rides for children and refreshments.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
August 11th Meeting/Citizen of the Year Luncheon
On Thursday, August 11, 2005, Walnut Cove Rotary Club hosted a luncheon at Dukes Restaurant to honor Mrs. Claudia Brame, voted Citizen of the Year 2004/2005 by Walnut Cove residents. It was attended by 54 people, family, friends and Walnut Cove Rotary Club members. Everyone enjoyed the lunch provided by Pete and his staff, and the special Rotary cake made by Rotarian Sallie Brown.
Walnut Cove Rotary Club President Sherry Smith presented Mrs. Brame with a plaque and corsage. She spoke of Mrs. Brame’s career as a teacher and there were several of her former students there to attest to her abilities. Mr. Jack Gentry spoke very highly of Mrs. Brame and recalled several lessons learned from her. Her son, John, also entertained the crowd with stories of Mrs. Brame’s college days.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
August 4th Meeting
District Governor Phil Morris, Assistant District Governor Chuck Houska, Mason Wilson, David Chaney; Pete Shattuck, Director of King YMCA .
Sherry called meeting to order at 12:05 and introduced Phil Morris, District Governor, she gave a brief overview of his history in Rotary, starting in 1978.
Phil Morris gave an inspiring talk about his experiences in Rotary and how it has enriched his life, he encouraged all members to share his enthusiasm and get involved.
Sherry recognized guests Mason Wilson, student and David Chaney, who has opened a new business in Walnut Cove.
Pete Shattuck read an excerpt from news letter recognizing Walnut Cove Rotary Club for their help in painting the new YMCA program center in Danbury.
Citizen of the Year luncheon, Thursday, August 11, 2005. Friends and family of Ms. Brame have been invited. Menu is grilled chicken, rice, green beans, Sallie will make cake, plaque has been ordered.
Debbie reminded everyone about the Walnut Festival, August 20.
District Governor Phil Morris presented Sherry with a commemorative banner and
Sherry presented him with a book on history of Walnut Cove.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
July 21st Meeting
TREASURERS REPORT: 7/14 Balance $2791.25 Deposit $246 Balance to date $3037.25
Betty Smith reported on information regarding scholarships. Full time student cost is $600 per semester or $1200 per year. This is tuition only, does not cover cost of books, lab, parking. Discussion followed, the club has $1500 which can be distributed in various ways, consider $300 per semester, which is about half. It was suggested that the Mitchell trust be used for the first year, Rotary the next year, Mitchell trust third year and so on. Sherry said a decision needs to be made. Natalie stated $300 will cover books, suggested whoever gets scholarship should in some way pay back to the community, help with Rotary project.
Betty said we will not be able to award scholarship until fall of 2006. Contact should be made with guidance counselor from South Stokes to work with Rotary. Sherry asked for volunteers to form a scholarship committee. Motion was made by Candace, seconded by Jim and passed unanimously that Betty Smith, Sallie Brown and James Dalton form the scholarship committee.
Sherry spoke of town revitalization. Civic organizations can help do things in town besides clean ups.
Community Bulletin Board. Various prices have been received between $500-600. Sherry stated that one of the town employees, Kevin Webb will make a 4’x3’ shatter and weather proof board for $175. Plaque stating donated by Walnut Cove Rotary Club to be added. Debbie stated Town Hall to keep key, notices to be reviewed prior to posting. Motion to purchase board was made by Betty, seconded by Debbie, passed unanimously.
Candace gave update on web site. Members can go on line to make up meetings missed, simply read an article, answer questions, and bring to secretary.
Citizen of the Year. A motion was made by Debbie, seconded by Sallie and passed unanimously that Claudia Brame was voted Citizen of the Year 2004. A special luncheon will be held in her honor on Thursday, August 11, with invited family and guests and a plaque will be presented. A committee was formed, Sally, Betty Jo and Kathy to take care of details.
Sherry presented plaques to Candace and Nelson for their hard work on golf tournament.
Sherry said we need to schedule dates for projects. Food drive October 15, outside Ingles and Food Lion between 8 am and 2pm and again April 8, 2006.
Book Drive. After much discussion, it was suggested that instead of book drive, to have a luncheon, charge $7., $5 of which would go to expenses, $2 to schools for supplies. It was tabled until we find out more details from principles, do they want books or supplies?
Monday, July 18, 2005
July 14th Meeting
VISITORS: Chuck Houska, Clemmons Rotary Club, Assistant District Governor and Lindsey Anderson, upcoming student to Salem Academy.
MEMBER NEWS: Anita Mabe on extended medical leave and Jerri Fulton on personal leave, Jerrod Covington on leave of absence until August.
Sherry read “thank you “ letter from Red Cross for hosting blood drive, 33 units were collected.
Sherry stated she has received information that Rebecca Mitchell left Walnut Cove Rotary club money in the form of $10,000 CD. The club gets to use the interest accrued to date which is $1507.00. The money can only be used to provide for student going to a technical college. The club needs to decide what we want to do with it, can be broken up into any amount. Following discussion, a motion was made by Bonnie that Betty and Natalie do research to find out the cost for a full time student , seconded by Marian, carried unanimously.
Sherry stated Candace had worked hard to get a free web site set up through blogspot. Minutes from meetings will be posted each week and any other information available.
Sherry commented on attendance and how we can keep in touch with everybody. Suggested buddy system, each member responsible for keeping in touch with their buddy. Try it for a month to see how it works. Lindsey Anderson drew out the names as follows: Debbie/Candace, Robert/Bonnie Parks, Natalie/Marianne, Sallie/Jerry, Robin/Wendel, Francis/Bonnie Snyder, Cathy /Marian, Nelson/Julie, Kathy/Jerri, Betty Jo/Betty, JD/Martha, Richard/Jerrod, Wayne/Anita, Jim/Sherry?
Chuck Houska spoke about his experiences with Rotary, joined Clemmons Club in 1996. They have 130 members, meet Wednesday mornings at Village Inn. Said it is all about food, fun and fellowship, provides friendships that last forever. Spoke about their various fund raisers, the house that they built, using resources of club members , making $40,000 profit. They have two cash raffles a year, golf tournament. They give away a car every year, Don Flow is a Rotarian so they get car at cost. They have the advantage of being the only club in the area, no Lions, JC’s so they get a lot of support from the public.
Sherry said the club is looking for new ideas for fund raisers, something that works well for the community.
Nelson reminded everyone he is still looking for contributions to Boy Scouts Appeal.
Debbie reminded everyone about the movie Shrek 11 in Fowler Park on Friday night at 8pm, in case of inclement weather it will be at S.E. Middle School.
Debbie encouraged members to attend Board of Health meetings, open to the public. Meetings are held every quarter.
Friday, July 15, 2005
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Hemlock Amateur Annual Golf Tournament 6/18- 6/19
2nd Place- Ping Driver
3rd Place- Ping Retro Golf Bag
4th Place- Ping Putter
5th Place- Ping Mini Golf Bag
6th Place- Ping Golf Umbrella
Championship Flight/ 2 day Total
Kyle Spahr 134
Terry Mills 135
Scotty Mounce 138
James Goin 139
Derek Ward 141
Lee Kiser 142
Flight A
Brad James 69
Gray Logan 70
Chris Logan 70
Sean Brown 70
Randy Jones 71
Zach Johnson 72
Flight B
Roger Joyce 73
Jim Wilkes 74
John Hopkins 74
RJ Goolsby 74
Melvin Dodson 75
Randy Ward 75
Flight C
Rodney Tuttle 76
Curt Gibson 79
B.A. Carter 81
Chris Tuttle 84
Teddy Webster 84
Buddy Tolbert 86
Womens Tournament
1st Place- $250.00 Linda Hill
84/ with 20 handicap for net of 60
2nd Place- $100 Linda Canup
86/ with 15 handicap for net of 71
3rd Place- $50.00 Marcia Burge
79/ with 4 handicapp for net of 75