Tuesday, September 06, 2005

August 25th Meeting


GUEST: David Chaney

TREASURERS REPORT: Balance as of August 18, 2005 $1838.73, check issued for $36.00,
Balance $1802.73.

NEW BUSINESS: Sherry read letter from John Brame, son of Claudia Brame, thanking Walnut Cove Rotary Club for the luncheon in honor of her being voted Citizen of the Year.

Sherry asked for volunteers to serve on fund raising committee, Marian Tilley and Wayne Smart, co-chairs, other members, Bonnie Snyder, Candace Harden and Wendell Dodson. A motion was made by Jim Harris and seconded by Debbie Cowan and carried unanimously. Committee to get together to get started on ideas to be presented to the club. Jim Harris checked on prices from Sam’s for TV’s. Phillips 32” flat screen TV $650, 32” JVC flat screen $400, Sylvania 32” concave $250. If the club sends letter to Sam’s stating what it is for, Sam’s will send check for $50.

Debbie gave a brief report on Foundation seminar attended by herself, Sherry and Julie. Chuck Houska, Assistant Governor for our area said Clemmons would like to help Walnut Cove, especially with fund raising. Clemmons is100% Paul Harris Fellow club which means each member has contributed $1,000. Any points accumulated over that, they can donate to other clubs. Debbie stated some clubs incorporate money in dues to go towards Paul Harris Fellow.

David Chaney has attended four meetings but club unable to vote due to quorum not being present. It is anticipated that he will be voted in at next meeting.

Debbie thanked everyone for showing up at the Walnut Festival.