Monday, October 17, 2005

October 13th Meeting


Karen Mabe, Walnut Cove Assisted Living, Jack Gardin, Walnut Cove Town Manager.
Candace called meeting to order at 12:10pm.
Candace welcomed Karen back.

There will not be a food drive on Saturday, it was agreed to donate $25 a month to the Outreach Ministry starting in November.


Jack Gardin said Walnut Cove and Mocksville have been selected by Rural Planning to participate in a walkability study to take a look at how user friendly our community is. The Senior Center is heading the activity. Volunteers are needed to walk streets and note any problems. First planning meeting 1pm Thursday, October 27 at Senior Center. 35-40 people are needed.

The second meeting of the Small Town Main Street program is scheduled for Thursday, October 20 at 7pm at the Senior Center. This meeting will be dividing people into committees.

Events Committee - Halloween. The Fire Department is working with the Events Committee for events in Fowler Park. Candy will be given out, pumpkin carving and various other activities. Volunteers are needed from 5.30pm to 8pm.