Monday, October 17, 2005

October 6th Meeting


Chuck Houska, Assistant District Governor, Karen Mabe, Walnut Cove Assisted Living, Lee Morrison, Sports Instructor, YMCA.

October 30 is date for pancake supper, it will be from 5-7pm at Fire Department. David Chaney will be singing.

Fund raising. Candace said we will be doing a 50-50 raffle instead of TV. Raffle will be drawn after the Christmas parade on December 10.

Salvation Army have not picked up check for $1,000. Nelson mentioned folks on Summit Street that lost home because of fire. We will find out what they need in way of clothes, etc.

Chuck spoke about GSE team from Taiwan visiting next year. Our district will entertain them at the District Conference, no-one in the district will be hosting any of them.

Nelson distributed cards to be given out to potential new Rotary members.

Debbie said someone is needed to find a teacher who would be willing to help with Rotoract, explain what Rotary is, doing things in the community. They choose a project they would like to do and we help them with the program. Jim said we needed full support of Administration. Jerrod asked if they would allow someone to go and talk to the faculty about program. Chuck said if teachers get involved in Rotary, there is an opportunity for an exchange group with other countries.

Walnut Cove has asked Events Committee to do Halloween for children at Fowler Park from 5.30 to 8pm. Debbie is organizing various activities. Volunteers are needed for Monday, October 31 to meet at park at 12.30pm to put up lights etc. and for the evening to help with the activities. Wendell and Marian will help at lunch time and Jerrod will have three volunteers for the evening.