Monday, October 17, 2005

September 29th Meeting

Julie Ettenboro (2nd from Right) with Rotary Memebrs from
India at Chichester Rotary Club on her recent visit to England


Julie gave a brief talk on her visit to Chichester Rotary Club, she attended two meetings. Group exchange members from India were visiting . Met with them for lunch on the day they transferred to Chichester club, it was very interesting and a lot of fun. They attended the regular breakfast meeting on the Wednesday morning. There were five of them, each stood up and gave a brief talk about themselves and where they lived in India. There were three school teachers, a banker and a journalist. The group leader presented her with beautiful Rotary Club of India pin and said he would be happy to arrange a visit to North Carolina. There was also a visitor from a Canadian Rotary Club. In all in it was a great experience.

Nelson asked if the check for $1,000 had been given to Salvation Army for Katrina. Sherry stated no-one from the Salvation Army has been available to attend meeting.
Nelson also brought up the subject of new membership drive. Members to bring names to next meeting.
Treasurer’s Report. Balance of $1010.00