Thursday, January 11, 2007

January 4th, 2007 Meeting

GUESTS: Janice Spencer and Patty St. Hilaire, D.S.S., Ray Anne Johnson, CVS

Debbie called meeting to order at 12:05 and introduced guests.

Members will take down Main Street Christmas decorations on Tuesday, January 9 at 4 pm.

Copies of the “Rotary Against Drugs” speech contest for High School students are available.

Interact still ongoing.

50/50 raffle will take place April 8, Candace will have tickets available at next meeting.

President Elect -Elect is still needed.

Golf tournament - a committee needs to be appointed. Photo contest, club will see if we have a photo we can submit.

Janice Spencer and Patty St. Hilaire gave an interesting talk about the toy program they do every year for needy families in the 100% poverty level with an income of $12,000 per year, strictly on a voluntary basis. It is not only toys, but clothes, cash and food. 575 children received toys this year.

Janice and Patty were asked to return at another time with more programs concerning other services D.S.S provides.

There being no further business, Karen made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Judy, meeting adjourned at 12:45 pm