GUESTS: Chuck Houska, Assistant District Governor, David Burroughs, RayAnn Johnson
Debbie called meeting to order at 12:05 pm and distributed calendars for January, February and March.
Committee for Stokes County Arts Council Theater dinner will meet after meeting to discuss menu, decorations etc. The club receives $9 from each ticket sold. The Senior Center holds 75 people. The play is Brown Versus the Board of Education.
Homer Deering is the interim town manager, Debbie said the park project will be ongoing.
Chuck spoke about International High school students wanting to come to the USA for vacation. If the club is interested, we can get students from the country of our choice. They come for a period of three weeks. Julie will contact Bob Newton for details.
Golf tournament- it is hoped to get date sometime in June again, one or two days. Debbie will check with golf course.
RayAnn has attended three meetings. Debbie proposed she be voted a member, Danny seconded, passed unanimously. David will have attended three meetings, Debbie proposed he be voted as member, seconded by Candace, voted unanimously. They will be sworn in at the next meeting. Debbie will see if incoming District Governor can come.
There being no further business, Candace proposed the meeting adjourn, seconded by Danny, meeting adjourned at 12:45 pm.