GUESTS: David Burroughs from Coldwell Banker, RayAnn Johnson from CVS
Debbie called meeting to order at 12:05 pm.
Treasurer’s Report: $4,821.22 in bank. Dues are due this month.
Debbie reported she had an appointment at the Middle School next Tuesday to discuss Interact.
The club will be catering dinner at the Senior Center for Stokes County Arts Council Theater series. Date to be Friday, March 9, 2007. Hospitality Committee- Betty Jo, Julie, Judy and Danny will meet to decide on menu.
John Hodgkin has agreed to be President Elect Elect. Application form and check to be sent to District.
Debbie thanked Pete, Danny and Richard for taking down the Christmas decorations.
The club will need to start on golf tournament in February. Committee - Candace, Wendell, John, Marian and Karen.
Candace distributed 50/50 raffle books. Raffle to be drawn on April 7 at Easter Egg hunt.
There being no further business, Danny made motion to adjourn, seconded by Robin, meting adjourned at 12.40 pm