Wednesday, March 07, 2007

February 8th Meeting


GUESTS: Van Sherrill, Kernersville Rotary Club

Debbie called meeting to order at 12:05 pm and introduced Van Sherrill who will be our Assistant District Governor for 2008.

Van pointed out that this month was the club’s 60th anniversary. It was decided to hold celebration on Thursday, February 22 which is the actual date. Mitzi Ellis, Chuck Houska and Van Sherrill will be invited to attend.
There has been no response from any students that would be interested in entering the drug speech contest.

Debbie reported that she met with the principal of Walnut Cove Middle School regarding the Interact club. She apparently has been involved with Interact at a previous school and is very interested. A sign-up meeting will be arranged, pizza will be served.

The club has finally found an international project. Julie attended a meeting at the Triad Rotary Club and met with Vern Martell who is working on the matching grant. The project is the Amani Children’s Foundation. Chad and Jane Stephens who have lived in Kenya and started this project, gave a very inspiring talk and showed a video. Walnut Cove has pledged $500, which with the matching grant will amount to $1,000. It is a non-structural matching grant, which means it can only be used for diapers, medical supplies etc.

Members need to be selling tickets for the 50/50 raffle, also the Stokes County Arts Council dinner theater on March 9. Menu: Baked chicken, garlic mashed potatoes, gravy, rolls, salad, dessert, ice tea, coffee. Stores to be contacted for possible gift vouchers to purchase food.
Members to bring five names of people to contact for sponsors for the golf tournament.

Debbie reported the Fowler park project is still ongoing. Homer Dearman, interim Town Manager is checking on liability issues etc.
Susan Maxey, Director of Stokes Volunteers will be the program for next meeting.

There being no further business, Karen made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Judy. Meeting adjourned at 12:45 pm