GUESTS: Susan Maxey, Stokes Volunteer Service, Bill Cobb
Debbie called meeting to order at 12.05 pm. She informed members that the International project is in progress. The criteria for President Citation and Gold Club for District 7690 is for all clubs that have Paul Harris Fellows have given $1,000.
1) Club members would need to donate $100 this year to Rotary International, the $60 dues is for that purpose, if each member would donate a one time payment of $40, we can achieve this goal.
2) Each year we would be a sustaining club, members send $100 to Rotary International to keep balance going.
3) We would be willing to give extra points to other clubs to help them become Paul Harris Fellows.
Danny made a motion to accept the three criteria and give one time payment of $100, Kathy seconded, passed unanimously.
David McCoy, the District Governor Elect will attend the club’s 60th Anniversary celebration on Thursday, February 22, 2007.
Treasurer’s report: $3310.00
Susan Maxey, Director of Stokes Volunteer Center gave a very informative presentation on the role the volunteers play in the community and resources available.
There being no further business, Kathy made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Candace, meeting adjourned at 1 pm.