Thursday, April 06, 2006

March 30th Meeting


Debbie thanked everyone who helped on Saturday at the dinner theater, it was a great success. We have not received a check from the Arts Council, Debbie will call Eddie McGee.

Debbie distributed a handout on orientation.

Nelson reported all set for the fund raising brunch on May 7, 2006.

Debbie mentioned doing the installation of officers with King again this year, in King. If agreeable, she will contact Mitzi, incoming District Governor to see if and when she would be available to perform the ceremony.

Debbie mentioned district grants are available for which we can apply. We complete a form with what it is we want to do, how we will do it. A project she has in mind is providing some kind of playground equipment for either Fowler park or possibly the town could donate land. Clemmons Rotary club will help us get grant money.

Debbie stated the committee will be setting up a budget for the coming year.

Golf tournament - flyers are ready. John has list of previous sponsors. List will be compiled and each member will be assigned five potential sponsors to contact. Snacks, water, chips and drinks are needed. We will have to 50-50 raffle again.

Easter pancake breakfast with Easter bunny. The Fire department has agreed to the club using their facility. Photos will be taken and given to all who attend breakfast. Ads will be in Stokes News and Madison with $1 off coupon.
Rotarian at Work tee shirts will be ordered for everyone, to be worn at all functions.

Brief Board meeting followed to talk about budget.