Debbie announced that she has received a call stating we would not be able to use the Fire Department for the pancake breakfast. We can use the Boy Scout hut or have it in Fowler Park. It was decided we would do it in Fowler Park using the new grill.
Golf tournament - there will be a contest for the most sponsors.
May 7 brunch - in previous years tickets have been sold in advance, Candace will print tickets and flyers to be given to churches to announce. A motion was made by Karen that the charge should be $7 for adults, $3 for children and children under 3, free, seconded by Judy and passed unanimously.
Debbie announced that on June 28 Mitzi Ellis, the new District Governor will do the induction of officers for both Walnut Cove and King in Central Park in King at 7:30pm, everyone is encouraged to attend.
Debbie referred to new member orientation and asked new members to make a list of two questions not answered, two items they need help with and any suggestions to make them want to invite other people to join Rotary.
Treasurer’s report - $2063 in bank, check for $805 to go to Walnut Cove Library in memory of Richard Vernon, $165 from Walnut Cove Rotary club which is the balance after check written for flowers, and the remainder is contributions.
Debbie suggested a fellowship evening, Kathy invited everyone to her house on May 19 to have pot luck supper on pontoon boat on the lake, everyone to bring dish.