Monday, March 20, 2006

March 2nd Meeting


Debbie called meeting to order at 12:10pm.

A total of $655 has been received in memory of Richard Vernon.

Dinner theatre March 25, menu set, need to check with Sallie whether it will be silver ware and china or paper plates and plastic.

April 15 - pancake breakfast with Easter Bunny, awaiting confirmation from Barry to use Fire Station. David said Events committee had discussed event, coupon will be put in Stokes News, buy one get one free. Story teller needed at library, Betty will check.

May 7 - Dinner at South Eastern all set, will be from 11am to 2pm. Rotary members will be there probably from 8am to 4pm and will be responsible for all the work, Fellowship committee will take care of it. Nelson to find out if we can get in there on Saturday to set up.

Golf tournament - Nelson confirmed $3000 would be platinum sponsor. List of sponsors from last year will be distributed at next meeting, each member to contact 5. Chairman will be Richard Pipes, co chair John Hodgkin, members Nelson, Candace. (After meeting Richard Pipes declined chairmanship)

Citizen of the Year - Candace is reworking form from last year. Nelson, chairman, Karen co-chair, Bonnie, Marianne.
Motion was made by Jim, seconded by Betty Jo that money donated to Richard Vernon memorial be given to Library building fund. Passed unanimously.

Calendar to be updated and distributed at next meeting.

There being no further business, David made motion to adjourn, seconded Betty Jo, meeting adjourned 12:45pm.
Marianne requested that she be placed on personal leave for unspecified length of time, will attend meeting when possible.