Thursday, March 23, 2006

March 16th Meeting


GUESTS: Cindy Tuttle, Director, Stokes Partnership for Children, Linda Wills, assistant
Debbie called meeting to order at 12:05 PM

Dinner theater Saturday, March 25. Need to sell tickets, they will be available at Animal Hospital, Southern Community Bank and ABC store.

Debbie will check to see if we can put up sign at Fire Department advertising breakfast with Easter bunny.
Chuck Houska will attend meeting on March 23 to do orientation for new members.

Luncheon at South Eastern May 7. Nelson said 5 people would be required on Saturday from 1-3pm for preparation, need to decide how much we want to get done on Saturday.

Golf tournament. Larry is working on Ladies flight, Southern Community Bank will donate $2500 again this year.

Treasurer’s report - Another $25 has been received for Richard Vernon memorial fund. Total of $2726.42 in bank, $595 of which is for Richard Vernon.

Cindy Tuttle, Stokes Partnership for Children gave a very informative presentation .
They are looking for volunteers to help with Little Folks Festival, Saturday, May 8 at Walnut Cove Elementary School from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

Monday, March 20, 2006

March 9th Meeting


GUESTS: Mary McKenzie, YMCA program coordinator

Dinner theater March 25. So far 36 tickets have been sold and 10 to be picked up. Club will get $8 back from each ticket sold. Sallie reported we have $25 gift certificate from Fresh Market and Wal-Mart, $10 from Food Lion, waiting to hear from Whole Foods.

Pancake breakfast with Easter bunny April 15. Waiting to hear from Barry to see if we can use Fire Department kitchen, Candace will provide Easter Bunny.

Luncheon at South Eastern May 7, Nelson still waiting for return call to confirm arrangements.

Golf tournament - Nelson and Candace will do flyers. The golf committee will discuss if women can play and report back next meeting.

Citizen of the Year - Nelson has the forms. Sallie made motion that September 23 be date for dinner, seconded by David, passed unanimously. Forms to be in by July 2nd.

Treasurer reported that $550 has been received in memory of the Richard Vernon , and club’s contribution of $200 less flower arrangement cost, to be given to Library building fund.

Jerry Rothrock has program for next week, Cindy Tuttle, Stokes Partnership for Children.

March 2nd Meeting


Debbie called meeting to order at 12:10pm.

A total of $655 has been received in memory of Richard Vernon.

Dinner theatre March 25, menu set, need to check with Sallie whether it will be silver ware and china or paper plates and plastic.

April 15 - pancake breakfast with Easter Bunny, awaiting confirmation from Barry to use Fire Station. David said Events committee had discussed event, coupon will be put in Stokes News, buy one get one free. Story teller needed at library, Betty will check.

May 7 - Dinner at South Eastern all set, will be from 11am to 2pm. Rotary members will be there probably from 8am to 4pm and will be responsible for all the work, Fellowship committee will take care of it. Nelson to find out if we can get in there on Saturday to set up.

Golf tournament - Nelson confirmed $3000 would be platinum sponsor. List of sponsors from last year will be distributed at next meeting, each member to contact 5. Chairman will be Richard Pipes, co chair John Hodgkin, members Nelson, Candace. (After meeting Richard Pipes declined chairmanship)

Citizen of the Year - Candace is reworking form from last year. Nelson, chairman, Karen co-chair, Bonnie, Marianne.
Motion was made by Jim, seconded by Betty Jo that money donated to Richard Vernon memorial be given to Library building fund. Passed unanimously.

Calendar to be updated and distributed at next meeting.

There being no further business, David made motion to adjourn, seconded Betty Jo, meeting adjourned 12:45pm.
Marianne requested that she be placed on personal leave for unspecified length of time, will attend meeting when possible.

February 23rd Meeting

GUESTS: John Hodgkin, Judy Hodgkin, Danny Pipes

Candace called meeting to order at 12.10pm. John and Judy Hodgkin and Danny Pipes have attended three meetings and will be voted in at the next meeting.

Sallie has delivered all the letters to potential donors of food or donations for the dinner theater, Wal-Mart is donating the meat, Harris Teeter, Whole Foods and Fresh Market will be contributing either gift certificates or food. Sallie said her company Sweetie Pies will be giving eight carrot cakes for desert.

Breakfast with the Easter bunny. Sallie met with Small Town Committee, breakfast will be served from 8am to 10 am at the Fire Station, the children will then go to the Walnut Cove library for activities while the eggs are hidden.
Nelson reported the golf tournament is June 10-11 at Hemlock A motion was made by Nelson that prizes be total of $3800, entry fee will be increased from $95 to $110 per golfer to cover prize money, seconded by David, passed unanimously. Robert stated that Masonic lodge has a golf tournament each year, he will talk with Arzell Montgomery to see how they do theirs.

Candace will bring flyer from last year next week.

Jim proposed John and Judy Hodgkin be accepted as members of Walnut Cove Rotary Club, seconded by David, passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report $2323.98 in bank. $370 received from Richard Vernon memorial and $150 balance from club donation to go to charity.
Bank account at First Citizen closed out, need second signature at bank since Sherry resigned. Kathy made motion that Candace be second signature at bank, seconded by Sallie, passed unanimously.