Thursday, September 15, 2005
September 8th Meeting
Sherry reported on update from the District regarding disaster assistance. We can contribute to Shelter Box, Salvation Army or Red Cross. We need to determine today what we want to do. Marian suggested street collecting at the stop light on Main Street. The Lions Club does this as an annual white cane fund raiser and is scheduled for September 16 and 17. It would take time to get together a dinner. Lowe’s Grocery stores are matching foods up to 1,000lbs. Julie suggested sending a check now from Rotary and then take time to decide how we want to raise the money. A motion was made by Bonnie, seconded by David to send check for $1,000. Passed unanimously. There was discussion about who the check should go to. Suggestion sending half to Red Cross and half to Salvation Army. Jim made a motion to send $1,000 to Salvation Army, Kathy seconded and it was passed unanimously.
Candace suggested the 16 cases of bottled water left over from the golf tournament be donated to disaster relief, everyone agreed.
The Fund Raising Committee will meet and report back next Thursday.
Sherry introduced David Chaney, the newest member.
Debbie stated the Stokes Art Council are looking for volunteers to assist at the Stokes Stomp on September 17 and 18 from 10:30am to 12:30pm and from 12:30pm to 4:30pm to hand out leaflets and give information. Anyone who would like to help please call the Arts Council at 593-5819.
Sherry reported attendance was down in July, typically this is vacation month but we need to work on attendance.
Sherry read a news release from the North Carolina Department of Commerce. Walnut Cove has been chosen out of 50 applicants as the newest participant in the Small Town Main Street Program. Copy of press release attached to minutes. Sherry urged members of Walnut Cove Rotary club to attend the meeting with Robert Murphrey, the coordinator of North Carolina Small Town Main Street Program scheduled for 7 pm Thursday, September 15th, 2005 at the Walnut Cove Senior Center, we have to have a good turn out to show Walnut Cove is interested and excited about this achievement. Candace said a press release has been sent to all newspapers in the area. Jim stated the Walnut Cove Revitalization Committee deserve congratulations for the work done to this point.
New Business
A program is needed for next week. Natalie will contact someone from the Salvation Army to come and talk to the club about what they are doing, and the check for $1,000 will be presented at that time.
Nelson mentioned staff members of the Southern Community Bank are giving seminars to children on money management. This could be a possible future program for the club.
Debbie mentioned she had visited Bill Cobb and received a lot of help from him and recommended anyone with small business get together with him.
Stokes County Resource Center
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
September 1st Meeting

GUESTS: Jack Gardin, Walnut Cove Town Manager and Bill Cobb, Forsyth Tech.
Sherry called meeting to order at 12.10. She spoke of e-mail from Ken Morgan who is looking for suggestions to assist in the relief operations from Hurricane Katrina. She asked members to come up with ideas. The District will tell us what to do.
Sherry introduced Bill Cobb who has opened an office at 904 N. Main Street in Walnut Cove. It will be the Stokes County Resource Center for small businesses and it’s purpose is to assist people like tobacco farmers to make the transition into other businesses, he mentioned some people in Stokes County make large revenue out of small acreage growing high yield products, organic farming. There are small business grants available for tobacco farmers, start up loans range from $1500 to $5,000. He will provide various courses to improve skills in the work place. Mr. Cobb would like to return to Walnut Cove Rotary in four to six months to give update.
David Chaney was installed by Sherry as a new member of Walnut Cove Rotary Club, he was sponsored by Nelson Smith. Sherry welcomed him to Rotary.
August 25th Meeting
GUEST: David Chaney
TREASURERS REPORT: Balance as of August 18, 2005 $1838.73, check issued for $36.00,
Balance $1802.73.
NEW BUSINESS: Sherry read letter from John Brame, son of Claudia Brame, thanking Walnut Cove Rotary Club for the luncheon in honor of her being voted Citizen of the Year.
Sherry asked for volunteers to serve on fund raising committee, Marian Tilley and Wayne Smart, co-chairs, other members, Bonnie Snyder, Candace Harden and Wendell Dodson. A motion was made by Jim Harris and seconded by Debbie Cowan and carried unanimously. Committee to get together to get started on ideas to be presented to the club. Jim Harris checked on prices from Sam’s for TV’s. Phillips 32” flat screen TV $650, 32” JVC flat screen $400, Sylvania 32” concave $250. If the club sends letter to Sam’s stating what it is for, Sam’s will send check for $50.
Debbie gave a brief report on Foundation seminar attended by herself, Sherry and Julie. Chuck Houska, Assistant Governor for our area said Clemmons would like to help Walnut Cove, especially with fund raising. Clemmons is100% Paul Harris Fellow club which means each member has contributed $1,000. Any points accumulated over that, they can donate to other clubs. Debbie stated some clubs incorporate money in dues to go towards Paul Harris Fellow.
David Chaney has attended four meetings but club unable to vote due to quorum not being present. It is anticipated that he will be voted in at next meeting.
Debbie thanked everyone for showing up at the Walnut Festival.