Wednesday, December 28, 2005
December 8th Meeting
The program scheduled, Jeff Hixon, Mountain Rescue was postponed.
Ticket sales for the 50-50 raffle to date - $1135. Tickets will be sold
right up to drawing on December 10.
Christmas dinner December 13, 7pm at Betty Jo’s. Covered dish. This will be instead of regular meeting.
Next meeting will be Thursday, December 29, 2005.
There being no further business, motion was made by Debbie to adjourn, seconded by Karen.
November 10th Meeting
Guest: Eddie McGee, Director, Stokes County Arts Council
Sherry called meeting to order m and congratulated Debbie Cowan on being elected Walnut Cove Town Commissioner and new member Karen Hicks on her marriage.
Robin has contacted teacher at South Eastern school who is interested in Interact. Debbie to down load information.
Members are to look for prospective new Rotary members.
New member Karen will buddy with Kathy and Jim will buddy with David.
Sherry introduced Eddie McGee who spoke about Visual and Performing Arts in Stokes County. They have contributed $8,000 to schools, libraries, Assisted Living, Senior Center, three middle schools. They provide summer reading programs at libraries, puppet shows, African/American dance, scholarships to students interested in Arts.
Eddie spoke of plans for dinner theatres scheduled January through April, with professional actors. Two have been scheduled in Walnut Cove at the Senior Center, Jackie Robinson “A Game Apart” with Mike Wiley on Friday, March 24 and “A Noble Journey” Saturday, March 25. He asked if Rotary would be interested in getting involved with catering the event. Tickets are $20, the proceeds will go to Arts Council and Senior Center. Sherry said it would be discussed at next meeting and he would be advised of outcome.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned
November 3rd Meeting
Sherry has delivered check for $500 to Outreach Ministries. Someone from the Ministry will come talk to club at a later date.
Debbie thanked everyone for helping on Monday. The event went extremely well, over 1,000 children attended.
Eddie McGee, Director of Stokes County Arts council will give a program next week on the upcoming dinner theatre.
Members should try to get some teachers interested in Interact. It is something we need to get involved in.
Club needs to raise funds. Jeff Martin, Past President of Madison/Mayodan Rotary club just finished with golf tournament, they made $6,000. He will come to talk to the club about it and shot gun raffle, they made $2500.
Pancake breakfast will be changed to a Saturday. Will wait until January when we can use Fire Department. Marianne suggested doing Sunday night suppers.
Debbie noted we are missing some members, need to be contacted.
Next Thursday, Fund Raiser, Membership Committee and Board meeting will take place.
Treasurer’s report : $1,416.00.